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Fencing has been gaining recognition internationally as well as nationally and has been growing steadily as a collegiate sport as well. There are many intramural clubs in colleges as well as Division I, II, and III schools.  Many Division I and Division II schools offer athletic scholarship, except the Ivy league. Several schools will recruit based on the USA fencing national standing.

Our fencers have been accepted in top schools like Harvard, Cornell, UPenn, NYU, Stevens Institute of Technology, St. Johns, and many more.

Division I

Barnard College(w/ Columbia)
Boston College
Brown University
Cleveland State University
Columbia University
Cornell University
University of Detroit Mercy
Duke University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Harvard University
Lafayette College

Long Island University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Northwestern University
University of Notre Dame
Ohio State University
University of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State University
Princeton University
Sacred Heart University
St. John's University(New York)
Stanford University
Temple University
U.S. Air Force Academy

Wagner College
Yale University

Division II

Queens College (New York)
University of California, San Diego
Wayne State University (Michigan)

Division III

Brandeis University
California Institute of Technology
City College of New York
Drew University
Haverford College
Hunter College
John Hopkins University
Lawrence University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
New York University
Stevens Institute of Technology
Tufts University
Vassar College
Wellesley College
Yeshiva University

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